Control structures
This chapter will discuss various operators used in conditional expressions, followed by control structures.
Comparison operators
These operators yield True
or False
boolean values as a result of comparison between two values.
>>> 0 != '0'
>>> 0 == int('0')
>>> 'hi' == 'Hi'
>>> 4 > 3.14
>>> 4 >= 4
>>> 'bat' < 'at'
>>> 2 <= 3
Python is a strictly typed language. So, unlike context-based languages like Perl, you have to explicitly use type conversion when needed. As an exercise, try using any of the
operators between numeric and string values.
See docs.python: Comparisons and docs.python: Operator precedence for documentation and other details.
Truthy and Falsy values
The values by themselves have Truthy and Falsy meanings when used in a conditional context. You can use the bool() built-in function to explicitly convert them to boolean values.
For numbers, zero evaluates to False
and True
otherwise. An empty string evaluates to False
and True
otherwise. The None
value evaluates to False
. See docs.python: Truth Value Testing for more details.
>>> type(True)
<class 'bool'>
>>> type(False)
<class 'bool'>
>>> bool(4)
>>> bool(0)
>>> bool(-1)
>>> bool('')
>>> bool('hi')
>>> bool(None)
Boolean operators
Use and
and or
boolean operators to combine comparisons. The not
operator is useful to invert a condition.
>>> 4 > 3.14 and 2 <= 3
>>> 'hi' == 'Hi' or 0 != '0'
>>> not 'bat' < 'at'
>>> num = 0
>>> not num
The and
and or
operators are also known as short-circuit operators. These will evaluate the second expression if and only if the first one evaluates to True
and False
respectively. Also, these operators return the result of the expressions used, which can be a non-boolean value. The not
operator always returns a boolean value.
>>> num = 5
# here, num ** 2 will NOT be evaluated
>>> num < 3 and num ** 2
# here, num ** 2 will be evaluated as the first expression is True
>>> num < 10 and num ** 2
# not operator always gives a boolean value
>>> not (num < 10 and num ** 2)
>>> 0 or 3
>>> 1 or 3
Comparison chaining
You can chain comparison operators, which is similar to mathematical notations. Apart from terser conditional expression, this also has the advantage of having to evaluate the middle expression only once.
>>> num = 5
# using boolean operator
>>> num > 3 and num <= 5
# comparison chaining
>>> 3 < num <= 5
>>> 4 < num > 3
>>> 'bat' < 'cat' < 'cater'
Membership operator
The in
comparison operator checks if a given value is part of a collection of values. Here's an example with range()
>>> num = 5
# range() will be discussed in detail later in this chapter
# this checks if num is one among the integers 3 or 4 or 5
>>> num in range(3, 6)
You can build your own collection of values using various data types like list
, set
, tuple
etc. These data types will be discussed in later chapters.
>>> num = 21
>>> num == 10 or num == 21 or num == 33
# RHS value here is a tuple data type
>>> num in (10, 21, 33)
>>> 'cat' not in ('bat', 'mat', 'pat')
When applied to strings, the in
operator performs substring comparison.
>>> fruit = 'mango'
>>> 'an' in fruit
>>> 'at' in fruit
Similar to function definition, control structures require indenting its body of code. And, there's a :
character after you specify the conditional expression. You should be already familiar with if
and else
keywords from other programming languages. Alternate conditional branches are specified using the elif
keyword. You can nest these structures and each branch can have one or more statements.
Here's an example of if-else
structure within a user defined function. Note the use of indentation to separate different structures. Examples with elif
keyword will be seen in later chapters.
def isodd(n):
if n % 2:
return True
return False
print(f'{isodd(42) = }')
print(f'{isodd(-21) = }')
print(f'{isodd(123) = }')
Here's the output of the above program.
$ python3.9
isodd(42) = False
isodd(-21) = True
isodd(123) = True
As an exercise, reduce the isodd()
function body to a single statement instead of four. This is possible with features already discussed in this chapter, the ternary operator discussed in the next section would be an overkill.
Python doesn't have a
control structure. See stackoverflow: switch statement in Python? for workarounds.
Ternary operator
Python doesn't support the traditional ?:
ternary operator syntax. Instead, it uses if-else
keywords in the same line as illustrated below.
def absolute(num):
if num >= 0:
return num
return -num
The above if-else
structure can be rewritten using ternary operator as shown below:
def absolute(num):
return num if num >= 0 else -num
Or, just use the abs() built-in function, which has support for complex numbers, fractions, etc. Unlike the above program, abs()
will also handle -0.0
See stackoverflow: ternary conditional operator for other ways to emulate the ternary operation in Python.
boolean values are equivalent to1
in integer context. So, for example, the above ternary expression can also be written as(-num, num)[num >= 0]
for loop
Counter based loop can be constructed using the range() built-in function and the in
operator. The range()
function can be called in the following ways:
range(start, stop)
range(start, stop, step)
Both ascending and descending order arithmetic progression can be constructed using these variations. When skipped, default values are start=0
and step=1
. For understanding purposes, a C
like code snippet is shown below:
# ascending order
for(i = start; i < stop; i += step)
# descending order
for(i = start; i > stop; i += step)
Here's is a sample multiplication table:
>>> num = 9
>>> for i in range(1, 5):
... print(f'{num} * {i} = {num * i}')
9 * 1 = 9
9 * 2 = 18
9 * 3 = 27
9 * 4 = 36
The range
, list
, tuple
, str
data types (and some more) fall under sequence types. There are multiple operations that are common to these types (see docs.python: Common Sequence Operations for details). For example, you could iterate over these types using the for
loop. The start:stop:step
slicing operation is another commonality among these types. You can test your understanding of slicing syntax by converting range
to list
or tuple
>>> list(range(5))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(range(2, 11, 2))
[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
>>> list(range(120, 99, -4))
[120, 116, 112, 108, 104, 100]
As an exercise, create this arithmetic progression -2, 1, 4, 7, 10, 13
using the range()
function. Also, see what value you get for each iteration of for c in 'hello'
while loop
Use while
loop when you want to execute statements as long as the condition evaluates to True
. Here's an example:
count = int(input('Enter a positive integer: '))
while count > 0:
count -= 1
Here's a sample run of the above script:
$ python3.9
Enter a positive integer: 3
Python doesn't support
operations. As shown in the above program, combining arithmetic operations with assignment is supported.
break and continue
The break
statement is useful to quit the current loop immediately. Here's an example where you can keep getting the square root of a number until you enter an empty string.
>>> while True:
... num = input('enter a number: ')
... if len(num) == 0:
... break
... print(f'square root of {num} is {float(num) ** 0.5:.4f}')
enter a number: 2
square root of 2 is 1.4142
enter a number: 3.14
square root of 3.14 is 1.7720
enter a number:
When continue
is used, further statements are skipped and the next iteration of the loop is started, if any. This is frequently used in file processing when you need to skip certain lines like headers, comments, etc.
>>> for num in range(10):
... if num % 3:
... continue
... print(f'{num} * 2 = {num * 2}')
0 * 2 = 0
3 * 2 = 6
6 * 2 = 12
9 * 2 = 18
As an exercise, use appropriate range()
logic so that the if
statement is no longer needed.
See docs.python: break, continue, else for more details and the curious case of
clause in loops.
Assignment expression
Quoting from docs.python: Assignment expressions:
An assignment expression (sometimes also called a “named expression” or “walrus”) assigns an expression to an identifier, while also returning the value of the expression.
The while
loop snippet from the previous section can be re-written using assignment expression as shown below:
>>> while len(num := input('enter a number: ')) > 0:
... print(f'square root of {num} is {float(num) ** 0.5:.4f}')
enter a number: 2
square root of 2 is 1.4142
enter a number: 3.14
square root of 3.14 is 1.7720
enter a number:
See PEP 572: Assignment Expressions and my book on regular expressions for more details and examples.
- If you don't already know about FizzBuzz, read Using FizzBuzz to Find Developers who Grok Coding and implement it in Python. See also Why Can't Programmers.. Program?
- Print all numbers from
(inclusive) which reads the same in reversed form in both binary and decimal format. For example,33
in decimal is100001
in binary and both of these are palindromic. You can either implement your own logic or search online for palindrome testing in Python. - Write a function that returns the maximum nested depth of curly braces for a given string input. For example,
should give4
. Unbalanced or wrongly ordered braces like'{a}*b{'
should return-1
If you'd like even more exercises to test your understanding, check out these excellent resources:
- Exercism, Practicepython — beginner friendly, problems are marked with difficulty levels
- Codewars, Adventofcode, Projecteuler — more challenging
- Checkio, Codingame, Codecombat — gaming based challenges
- /r/dailyprogrammer — not active currently, but there are plenty of past challenges, along with discussions